
Friday, November 14, 2014

Obamacare Strikes Again

This post is a continuation of sorts to my last blog where I explained that Obamacare is going to make me less healthy as well as make me go bankrupt. In the ongoing saga that is now my quest to be a good citizen and pay for health insurance, I have come across a few more stumbling blocks.

First, at my work we had a meeting to discuss the changes that were coming due to new health care regulations (Obamacare). Because our current provider (Anthem) was going to increase the rates by 100% the company decided to switch insurance providers to help control cost. Now, I don't use the company insurance because it is expensive, even though people have tried to tell me to join a "group" because that way premium costs can be shared and rates go down. Unfortunately, that doesn't work for me because MY rates just get jacked up so I can subsidize all the older and less healthy people I work with. So as I am sitting in this little meeting I'm handed a sheet of paper that goes over two different types on insurance, one that is only good to use in the state of Virginia and another one that can be used nation wide. While all this coverage is being explained to me I am under the impression that because of the higher deductibles the rates will be a bit cheaper. However, the coverage still requires child dental insurance, mental health coverage, maternity, mammograms and other services I don't need but are now required by law. When I look on the paper it says that the cheap plan (the Virginia only plan) for Employee and Spouse is...$150---PER WEEK! So, my current insurance cost for the entire month is less than one weeks worth of insurance through work! So, on your standard 4 week month that would cost me $600. And on top of all that, the $600/month insurance premium is subsidized by my employer at $200/month. So, thanks to Obamacare which was fed to us as something that was going to lower rates, reduce the deficit and get everyone covered with insurance has caused our work rates to skyrocket. Also, the company in years past has been paying about $150 towards everyones insurance, but because of Obamacare they had to increase it to the $200 because the rate increases were so high.

Now, as was stated in my last post about this topic, Anthem has notified me that I can pay just under $400 a month for my own private insurance, which sounds pretty cheap in comparison. However, it is still more than I can afford. Because Anthem and the government know that everyones rates are going through the roof, my Anthem notice said that I may be eligible for a government subsidy to help reduce my rates. But there is a catch, according to my employer I am not actually eligible for the subsidy. There is something interesting that is apparently built in the law that says if your employer provides you with 'affordable' health insurance you are not eligible for a government subsidy. Now because the company I work for pays $200 towards their offered insurance plans the government considers it "affordable" and I will not be able to receive the subsidy. I'm sorry, but an insurance rate of $600 a month for 2 people with no preexisting conditions, no health complications, and under 30 is insane. And it is most certainly not "affordable."

So, to sum this whole thing up, I'm screwed. I can pay $400 (280% increase) for private insurance with Anthem, I can pay $600 (428% increase) for my work insurance, or I can take the gamble and pay $200 for the year as a penalty and not have any insurance. As things stand now, the government has literally caused me to lose my insurance. The law that was supposed to get everyone coverage is driving me out because of the massive rate increases and by being locked out of getting a subsidy.

Here is the sad thing, millions of American's new this was going to happen. By adding required benefits to insurance plans and insuring more people, why would anyone think that premiums will go down. People did (not me) because the government told us, and it was a flat out lie! If anyone sat down and though about it, cost reduction made no sense. How can people be required to pay for more services but lower their monthly premium?. We forgot about common sense and now I, and I suspect I'm not alone, am paying the price.

With the Republican controlled Congress coming next year, the first thing on the agenda should be to get rid of Obamacare. Remove the required benefits and allow me to have the insurance of my own choosing, because our health care legislation is quite literally bad for my health.

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