
Friday, February 14, 2014

The Daily News Byte

                A  Virginia judge in Norfolk has ruled that Virginia's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. This doesn't come as a surprise given that across the country courts are ruling state bans as violating the Constitution. Ever since the Supreme Court made its ruling last year, the states have been flooded with cases. This is the result that just about everyone predicted a year ago.

                The President plans to travel to California to announce that his new found authority gives him the right to combat climate change. As meteorologist-in-chief, Obama plans to allocate billions in assistance to California farmers. Also, because of the drought they are going through, Obama plans to push congress to do more to combat climate change. My question is, what does climate change even mean? If it's no longer global warming, and it's not global cooling, what is it? And if we can't exactly define what it is, how can we combat it?

                The UAW union is fighting to unionize Volkswagen in Tennessee. There will be a vote today to decide if they will unionize. There is a bit of confusion as to why the workers would want to join the union because according to reports, the pay and benefits are good. Management treats the employees well too. The truth of the matter is that the UAW is trying to make an inroad on foreign brands in the south where Right-to-Work is strong. The UAW claims to have both the employees and the company's best interest in mind, think back to some of the wildly unreasonable demands they had when Detroit was going bankrupt.

                Most of the recent court cases in regards to the 2nd amendment deal with the right to 'keep' arms. Usually left out is that part in the amendment about the right to 'bear' arms. Most liberal states, such as CA, MA, NJ, NY all have restrictions massive against having a gun outside the home. In a recent case, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the right to 'bear' arms and sets up for a soon to come battle at the Supreme Court to define ones right to 'bear' arms.

                Thomas Sowell is one of my favorite people to read. He typically does a column every few days and it shows up on either National Review or TownHall. This post is exactly as the title reads, Random Thoughts.

                One California state senator is pushing for warning labels to be put on sugary drinks. The warning label would say,  "STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAFETY WARNING: Drinking beverages with added sugar(s) contributes to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay." With things like this I wonder if they think the people of California look at soda as being healthy? I mean, who doesn't know that consuming large amounts of sugar is bad. How about instead of spending money on warning labels, invest in programs to get kids active. You can eat all the health food you want, but if you sit around all day playing video games you're still going to be fat and lazy.

                As I've been saying from the beginning of this debacle, it wasn't going to be long until pressure was applied to Congress to make increase the minimum wage. The President played a great political move because now the democrats are shown as helping the 'little guy' by increasing wages for some, and they have thrown the ball into the republicans court to do the same. The democrats are already putting their strategy together for how they are going to get a wage increase through the House. The idea of raising the minimum wage is already popular with much of the country and the republicans will be painted as unsympathetic if they don't increase the wage. Also, the accusations will be made that federal contractors make more money, don't you think the average American should make the same?

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