
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Daily News Byte

                The CBO has recently released a report concluding what everyone already knows. By increasing minimum wage, the economy will shed aprox. 500,000 jobs. But, on the bright side, it will also raise the income of many and bring some out of poverty (duh!). Of course increasing wages will increase income for some, that has never been disputed. The dispute comes from, will you give more money to some and life 900,000 out of poverty while putting 500,000 into it? It all sounds good when it's spun saying 900,000 people will be lifted over the poverty line, but it's not true. Once you factor in the 500,000 losing their jobs, you've lifted 400,000 from poverty, and those are still all estimates. So, the President who claims to be for the 'little guy' is going to lift some out from poverty and plunge others into it...good job!

                This type of 'journalism' or whatever you want to call it is awful. The author of this piece, Roger Simon is trying to resurrect the news from George Zimmerman in a case where a jury did their job and got the case right. It's a piece involving Michael Dunn, the murderer who was found guilty for killing a young black teen. He explains the events of the night, and it is clear that Dunn is guilty, especially since he got out of his car and kept shooting at the kids. His common denominator, Stand your Ground Laws, because "Hey, this is Florida. The Gunshine State" Simon states. This man is such a fool it's unbelievable. In his mind, because people have a right to protect themselves with a firearm, as affirmed by the Supreme Court, it means it's the wild west! Instead of blaming the person, he blames the defense! Also, the evidence in the Zimmerman case suggested that Trayvon was standing over George beating him and the gunshot wound trajectory proved it. And if someone was standing over you beating your face in, I think you would be wishing for a way out because "please stop" probably won't work.

                Is it me, or do politicians just look for something to say against a person of the other party. Why is this even news? Who cares about what Obama said about Art History majors and who cares if he apologized to the person who wrote him about it. I've got an idea Rubio, how about you concentrate on things that matter.

                Someone needs t forward this to the White House and to John Kerry. Kerry is the one who claimed that climate change is the most feared weapon of mass destruction and the President went to California to talk about this issue due to their drought. But it would appear that according to real scientists, not those flat earth people Kerry talks about, the drought California is experiencing is similar from the 1930's and 1950's. Also, "Through studies of tree rings, sediment and other natural evidence, researchers have documented multiple droughts in California that lasted 10 or 20 years in a row during the past 1,000 years -- compared to the mere three-year duration of the current dry spell. The two most severe mega-droughts make the Dust Bowl of the 1930s look tame: a 240-year-long drought that started in 850 and, 50 years after the conclusion of that one, another that stretched at least 180 years.”

                The President has done it, he has figured out a way to force business to up their standards, develop new technologies, save the environment, and it will make the price of goods cheaper! Actually, I think he got that a little wrong. If it was better for business, why not do this already? Maybe in their budgets they can't raise prices and be competitive, and they would need to raise prices to be able to afford new fuel-efficient vehicles. Well nothing to fear, President Obama has made it a requirement for all. Sadly, this will likely hurt small businesses that can't absorb the costs of meeting new EPA motto for Obama, adding small businesses to my welfare state!

                Every time I see anything in regards to ADHD all I can think about is a satire article by the Onion where the disorder is called "Youthful Tendency Disorder." The good news about this article is that it seems to suggest many physicians don't exactly know what they are doing and are prescribing medication to people who don't need it. The good news about that is seminars are being held to correct that problem and it's recognized as a problem.  What they really should do is give the seminars to parents. I just get a feeling parents bring their kids to these evaluations because they aren't doing well in school or don't listen to them. It's called being a kid. Class is boring, and you can either not pay attention by looking around, or by sleeping on your desk. A child is rolling around on the floor uncontrollably, what young boy doesn't do that (I was usually reenacting a 3 Stooges move, classic). An amazing part of the article is describing a kid with ADHD by playing gameboy and ' flitting around the room distractedly.' Uhm, if that's all you got, that's probably most kids. Cure, take away the game device, get your kid outside, and discipline them for behaving badly. South Park demonstrates it perfectly, while in a room full of jumping kids, the teach yells "SIT DOWN AND STUDY."

                A wealthy Democrat supporter is rallying people together to stop the Keystone Pipeline. You know, they are raising the minimum wage, putting people out of work, and then killing potential for job growth in order to save Bambi. Since when did we put the concerns of fuzzy critters over the well being of people stuck in poverty?

                The nation of Ukraine is in a state of disarray. Some 25 people have been killed in Kiev. Naturally, the EU and the US are looking to intervene. There is a bit of irony in the situation, the recent escalation of the protests are in response to an Anti-Protest law (I bet the government didn't see that coming). Of course, the EU's response is to put sanctions on the government and Russia is trying to aid the country. I thought the cold war ended. Russia supports Syria, we oppose. Russia supports Ukraine, we oppose. The Cold War may have ended, but we're still playing the same games.

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